Photovoltaic: The Feed-in tariff

Feed-in tariff is the common name for the European program of incentives for the operating expenses of the production of electricity from solar power through photovoltaic systems permanently connected to the power grid.
The Feed-in tariff arrives in Italy through the Community directive on renewable sources (Directive 2001/77/CE), that was approved by the Italian Parliament in the Legislative decree no. 387 of 2003.
The feed-in tariff sets a 20 years incentive for private citizens, enterprises and public entities that install a solar photovoltaic system connected to the power grid. The incentive is proportional to the electricity produced.


On May 12th 2011 the decree of the Ministry of Economic Development was published in the Official Journal and will rule the incentive tariffs for the electricity produced via photovoltaic systems that will begin to function after 31th  May 2011 until  31th  dicember 2011 the three-year period 2016.

» DOWNLOAD FILE (a summary of the news in the ministerial decree or decree) (PDF)